- Motivation to engage in Soacial Media:
- Direct contact
- Information
- Modern image
- Interaction
- New channel
- Feedback
- Buzz creation
- Trafic
An other interesting part is:
- Blog Success depends on
- Getting the permission to puch content
- Growth of RSS feed subscribes over time
- net feed subscribers added over time
- The number of unique blogs that link to your blog
- Ability to influence others and create conversation in the ecosystem.
The number of user comments per post trended over time. It represents the success at engaging visitors with your unique content and getting them to contribute their thoughts. i.e in the most social of social environment your ability to create meaningful conversation.
My opinion is that the researched did a good job on a topic that is interesting for everybody and we can learn a lot from his presentation because his information is interesting, based on facts and usefull.