Wednesday, November 10, 2010


A podcast is an audio file that are released episodically and often downloaded from web-sites.
  Podcasting began to catch hold with public in 2004,though during 1998-2001 era there were multiple podcasts done by major companie,such as Real Networks and ESPN. Many individuals and groups contributed to the emergence and popularity of podcast.
  Nowadays, through evolution of the internet capabilities, along with cheaper hardware and software, audio podcasts are doing what was historically done through radio broadcast stations.
  The mode of delivery differenciates podcasting from other means od accessing media files over the Internet,such as direct download or streamed webcasting.
  A list of all audio files currently associated with a given series is a mantained centrally on the distributor's server as a web feed, and the listener employs special client application software  known as podcatcher,that can access   this web feed, check it for updates and download any new files in the series. This process can be automated so that new files are downloaded automatically. Files are stored locally on the user's computer or any other device.

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